Hobby Public Projects

Please! click on name of project highlighted in red to view online fun working projects.

  • Front End Projects

    Development using the dom

    Different ways to manipulate the text boxes and radio button to calculate bills and set warning and critical levels.

    My Basic basic-webpage

    First basic layouts I attempted for webpages using CSS on one and simple Grid framework on another.

    The Greetings Language App

    Print Hello world on steroids!! translates to four different languages built using bootstrap and jQuery and send names greeted to json objects.

    The json vs javaScript object app

    developer journey app created using Jquery and passed json data to screen with images associated with text.

    Registration Number App

    Stores data on local storage and checks if registration number is valid uses filters to show different data types.

  • Back End Projects

    The Greetings Language App

    Instead of checking if name is entered on browser storage this app uses postgres db to increment counters and store values

    Bill with settings App

    Basics of back-end development using express handlebars for front end and adding timestamps as dynamic routes to show time when action was taken

    Basic E-commerce template with back-end

    Basic E-commerce store with back-end for storing customers data to the server built using bootstrap and postgres for db